Claire has worked at Beverley Housing Charity since January 2022. Prior to this she worked in the legal sector as a receptionist and before that, had always worked in veterinary surgeries.

She has always had an interest in mental health support, dementia and helping people so when a role came up at BHC, Claire jumped at the chance to become part of a charity which helps to give people in need; a home, some comfort and security.

Within the first year of Claire’s employment, the energy sector has spun into disarray, affecting every household and business in the country. Nobody wants to pay more for their utility bills but, for some, this is an impossibility and when finances are already stretched, paying double and in some cases treble for gas and electricity, is causing a lot of stress and worry.

As part of her role, Claire is available to signpost residents to services such as support services for health and wellbeing and benefits advice. She has recently helped residents complete power of attorney forms, which can be filled in online rather than paying costly legal fees.

Recently energy companies have failed customers, causing stress and anxiety and BHC has found a number residents either have; a smart meter that is no longer working or, the energy company has billed incorrectly.

Smart Meters

One resident has a smart meter in her property which has ceased working. Wanting to keep on top of payments to avoid any nasty surprises, Claire visits the resident every month to submit the meter readings to British Gas while she is present. Finding out whether her account is in debit or credit, the utility company has been able to adjust monthly payments slightly.

We recommend to regularly check that the smart meter is working.

Housebound Residents

Claire has also assisted an elderly resident over the age of 90 who is at home all of the time and has her heating on all day during the colder months. In June last year, gas installers attended the property to change the meter, after which the resident stopped receiving bills. 

The family were concerned and the resident had become very anxious as she wanted to keep on top of her outgoings. British Gas could no longer ascertain who the meter belonged to and no one was claiming responsibility for it.

Claire investigated to find that since changing the meter, Royal Mail had mixed up the registered address with a business on the opposite side of the road.

Claire submitted a complaint and contacted Citizens’ Advice, whose Energy Project Team arranged a call between the resident’s daughter and a complaints supervisor at British Gas. The details have now been changed and a bill produced and settled, ending 6 months of worry.

Vital Support and Assistance

All residents of BHC have access to this kind of support, whereas, anyone living in a private rented propriety who may not have the support of family around them, could find themselves in a difficult and stressful situation.

Disproportionate Price Increases

At one of our smaller properties, a resident was paying £90 per month for gas. The energy company sent a letter requesting an additional payment of £700 to cover a debit on the account. Claire visited the resident who was very upset and found that the professional meter readers had been submitting a five digit reading, which included a decimal place. The actual readings should have only been four digits

Once again, Claire contacted British Gas to explain the problem. After an hour and a half on the phone, the representative finally agreed that the readings were wrong and Claire was happy to advise that the resident was actually £740 in credit!

Claire continues to visit a number of residents each month to read meters and assist with any concerns.

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